Obituaries: 2

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In Memoriam


Period: From September 24,2006 to Current

"Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted"

<%Dim conn2675004,connectstr2675004, count2675004, userid2675004,teritoryid2675004 count2675004=1 Dim db_path2675004 Dim db_dir2675004 db_dir2675004 = Server.MapPath("\accessdb\cityselect.mdb") db_path2675004 = db_dir2675004 set conn2675004=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") connectstr2675004="DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver}; SERVER=localhost; DATABASE=finalcare; UID=root;PASSWORD=c1g@w00pw00p;" dim rs2675004 'recordset dim sql2675004 'sql statement set rs2675004 = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") sql2675004 = "Select * from obits where date>'2006-9-26' order by date " sql2675004, connectstr2675004 do while not rs2675004.EOF %> <%count2675004=count2675004+1 Response.Write vbcrlf rs2675004.MoveNext loop%>
<%=rs2675004("date")%> - <%=rs2675004("title")%>
    <%=rs2675004("p1")%> <%if (len(rs2675004("p2"))+1)="1" then %> <%else %>
    <%=rs2675004("p2")%> <%end if %> <%if (len(rs2675004("p3"))+1)="1" then %> <%else %>
    <%=rs2675004("p3")%> <%end if %> <%if (len(rs2675004("p4"))+1)="1" then %> <%else %>
    <%=rs2675004("p4")%> <%end if %> <%if (len(rs2675004("p5"))+1)="1" then %> <%else %>
    <%=rs2675004("p5")%> <%end if %> <%if (len(rs2675004("p6"))+1)="1" then %> <%else %>
    <%=rs2675004("p6")%> <%end if %> <%if (len(rs2675004("p7"))+1)="1" then %> <%else %>
    <%=rs2675004("p7")%> <%end if %> <%if (len(rs2675004("p8"))+1)="1" then %> <%else %>
    <%=rs2675004("p8")%> <%end if %> <%if (len(rs2675004("p9"))+1)="1" then %> <%else %>
    <%=rs2675004("p9")%> <%end if %> <%if (len(rs2675004("p10"))+1)="1" then %> <%else %>
    <%=rs2675004("p10")%> <%end if %>

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    Published November 2004

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